Monday 25 January 2010

Cencorship: Clarence Mitchell A Blast From the Past

This is something I have just accidentally happened upon, I have no idea what this tract refers to specifically, it was after all written back in July 08 and I've slept a bit since then.

The one thing I can be sure of though, it must have been in response to some stunt or other pulled by Clarence Mitchell in his continuous efforts to pervert the course of justice.

Just a word or two at this junction.

Clarence Mitchell, you undoubtedly think your are a clever piece of work, it's not a view that is shared by many, myself included.

Your wind and piss threats against the boards and bloggers only goes to confirm that far from being the smart guy you think you are, you are in fact the fool I know you to be.

You see people take exception to receiving threats in an effort to silence them as they seek the truth in this sordid carry on.

I think you may have just shot yourself in the foot with this latest inane folly, people, and far more influential than I take a great deal of exception to attempts at being gagged.

It is at this point that you have seriously crossed the line Clarence, you have surpassed yourself, going way beyond your usual remit of spinning the most ridiculous nonsense, to actively trying to suppress the details of this investigation by issuing far from unveiled threats.

We will not be cowed, we are the only voice that can speak for Madeleine McCann, do you remember her, the three year old that died, as well you know, in Praia De Luz?

We will not be silenced