Sunday 17 January 2010

Obscenities:The McCanns

I have had a title change, I'm not at my most creative in the wee hours, not after having experienced the intellectual equivalent of having my breath taken away I'm not.

I think I shall go and do the housework, it seems a far more attractive proposition than blogging about the insanity of the McCanns.

Two quick thoughts though before I embrace the delights of that which is never done.

How unnerving then this latest example of McCann good taste and good judgement for the thoroughly deserving co-conspirators, the Tapas Seven?

I awfully glad that my future and everything I hold dear doesn't hinge on, and is subject to. the whims and stunts of two people who have quite clearly lost touch with reality if indeed they are not categorically insane.

It is long past the time for the intervention of Leicestershire Social Services to act in the manner in which they have been charged. There are two remaining high risk children that need protecting from this clearly unbalanced pair.

Let me add one more thought, the increasingly bizarre traits exhibited by Gerry McCann, and indeed his wife, are these traits really consummate with a man employed as a National Health Service Doctor?

DEFIANT Kate and Gerry McCann will mark the 1,000th day since their daughter disappeared with a celebrity packed £150-a-head fundraising dinner and auction at a top London venue.

Tycoon Sir Richard Branson and their businessman backer Brian Kennedy will join stars at Kensington Roof Gardens in west London on January 27.

Radio Five’s Nicky Campbell and children’s author JK Rowling have also been invited.

The event for 180 supporters comes in the middle of the couple’s tense court battle against their tormentor, former police chief Goncalo Amaral, in Lisbon and gives them a night of light relief after weeks of stress.

Kate, 41, said yesterday: “We will raise money for Madeleine’s Fund and the ongoing search for her.

“If our circumstances remain unchanged, this day will sadly mark 1,000 days since Madeleine was taken from us.”

Money will be raised through ticket sales and a charity auction. Half the profits, expected to exceed £100,000, will go to Madeleine’s Fund, which currently stands at about £400,000, with the other half split between two other charities.

Kate explained: “Madeleine’s Fund is not depleted but we are aware, given the uncertainty of our situation, that we need to plan ahead to continue the search to find her.”

Kate said: “Fifty per cent of the profits from the event will be split between two charities, Missing ­People and Missing Children Europe.

“These two charities are among many others who work incredibly hard despite limited funding to help missing and exploited children.”

A close friend of the McCanns, who live in Rothley, Leicestershire, said: “Kate and Gerry are hoping to raise as much money as possible to help them and two other charities. Express