Wednesday 27 January 2010

Would You Like Lies - Sorry Fries With That - Fingerprint Food

Something a little a different for a change.

It was just twelve months ago that I wrote this.

Every story I have ever read on building a national data base of the soon to be next generation always cites enabling students to be able to buy their lunch.

I won't say does this government think we're fucking stupid because the answer is patently obvious, as patently obvious as the contempt that it holds for its citizens.
Another Nail In The Coffin of UK Civil Liberties

And as a result of opening a link that I received today, guess what?

No food without fingerprints - in one London school

Giving a new meaning to the concept of a "finger buffet", St. John's Secondary School, in Epping, is introducing a new "biometric cashless catering system" which involves taking fingerprints of all its pupils.

The pupils will have to scan their fingers on a panel in order to buy school meals, with a computer system telling staff how much money they have to spend.

The school says the new system will speed up the serving of meals, reduce the need for pupils to carry cash and help monitor the diets of children.

Similar uses of the technology at other schools have attracted criticism from parents and lobby groups, amid fears that identities and personal information could be at risk, but the company behind the technology insists that the system is safe and that all data is secure and that fingerprints will only be stored in the form of a numerical code. However St John's has said that parents can choose for their child to opt-out of the fingerprinting.

The scheme is set to be introduced when children return from their half-term break on Monday February 22.

Simon Richards, Director of The Freedom Association, said that, "respect for privacy should take precedence over claims of administrative convenience. Adult diners in a London restaurant would not be willing to be subjected to this kind of treatment, so there is no excuse for treating school pupils in this fashion." source

Then from across the pond, with all the subtly of a turd in a swimming pool, we have the Yankee way. Grab 'em young and indoctrinate them.

I used to have a set of images, but I can't put my hand on them, depicting a similar scenario, only it was police weaponry, exactly the same end game, get the next generation to accept without question the militarisation of police forces.*

I did however know where to put my hands on this short scary clip, which, having viewed it again after so long, turns out to be the source for some of my talking points, and the realisation that I don't actually have a relative series of photographs on the subject.

Nearing the point of embarrassment, yet again h/t to Ironside. I remember too what it was like when I used to have the time to do the rounds collecting my blog content for the day, such luxury.